How Do Your Dogs Get Fleas?

How Do Your Dogs Get Fleas?

Fleas are a shrewd bunch. Even if you employ every precaution possible to keep your dog free of fleas, it is still possible for them to contact them. When a dog is found to be infested with fleas by a veterinarian, many dog parents wonder how their dog became infested. In fact, pet parents who are worried about their dog’s health may insist there is something else wrong with him, such as dry skin or behavioral problems.

How do your dogs get fleas?  You need to know this information if you have a dog because prevention is much easier than treating, even with the greatest flea treatment for dogs.  Take a look at the most prevalent ways that dogs get in touch with fleas below.


Other Animals

When your dog goes outside and comes into contact with other animals, whether they are other pets or in nature, it is almost certain to pick up fleas. Fleas can travel from one dog to another, even from other pets, because dogs are social beings.

Dogs are naturally curious, and this curiosity often leads them to seek areas where wild animals bearing fleas might be found. Your dog may come into contact with birds, squirrels, rabbits, other rodents, deer, or raccoons while out for a walk or even in your backyard.



Fleas aren’t just a problem for dogs who come into contact with other animals. Fleas, after all, can jump or fall off a flea-infested pet and land somewhere else. This implies that your dog may pick up fleas when playing in the grass at the dog park, at a friend’s house, or even in the kennel or groomer’s facility.

Fleas can be found in dog parks and other areas where there are a lot of dogs. In either case, fleas travel from other dogs to the ground and subsequently to your dog.

In addition to the dog’s care, kennel, or groomer station, another major issue is the place where your dog spends time. Flea infestations do develop, even in places that take enormous pains to keep them at bay. The number of fleas in a pet’s environment can be devastating, as fleas produce 20 to 30 eggs every day.


Your Visitors

Consider the people you’ve recently had over, such as family members, close friends, and even coworkers. Fleas can live for up to a month, so be sure to treat your home for the remainder of the month. Who among us has a furry friend?  Who does their work in a green, open area? Fleas may have made an inadvertent journey inside your house on the clothing of someone else.


Your Home

You may be shocked to learn that fleas may readily enter your home and make it theirs as well. Fleas can enter your home by stowing away on your clothing, or they can be carried in by pets or wild creatures, such as mice, that have taken up residence under your flooring.


Newly-Hatched Fleas

Fleas can also be transferred to your dog from a home that is currently being treated for fleas. This is because the “cocoon” phase of fleas is highly resistant to any insecticides. It’s a great time for fleas to emerge from their cocoons and pounce on your dog!


Warmer Climates

If you’re taking your furry companion on a trip, it’ll be exposed to a variety of parasitic infections. Fleas are a genuine issue in warmer places because they can persist without a host for extended periods of time.


How Dangerous Are Fleas?

Fleas can transmit diseases to humans by their bite, despite the fact that they don’t pose a significant risk to humans.

However, you should do everything in your ability to keep fleas from infesting your dog, as they can cause serious health issues, such as:



If fleas lay eggs in your dog’s small intestine, your furry friend could become contaminated with tapeworm since fleas can carry the infection.


Flea Bite Anemia 

Animals, like humans, rely on red blood cells to maintain their health. All dogs are susceptible to flea-bite caused anemia because their red blood cells are being stolen by the fleas that bite them.


Flea Allergies

Flea allergies may also be a problem for your dog. If your pet exhibits signs such as continuous scratching, scabs or lumps on their skin, and tail biting, you may have a problem.


How to Spot Fleas on Your Dog?

It’s important to check for specific indicators of fleas, such as the ones described below because other factors can cause itching.


Check Your Dog’s Coat

Make sure to thoroughly check your dog’s skin for fleas. Make sure to look for tiny, black, and smaller than ant-sized insects. Fleas like to congregate around your dog’s armpits and groin because they are warm and well-protected. You can do this by separating your dog’s coat with your fingertips. Even if your dog hasn’t scratched, fleas can cause the skin to seem red and rough.  Adult fleas can also be seen scurrying away swiftly or even jumping.


Try a Flea Comb

Start combing at the base of your dog’s neck and work your way up. Using a fine-toothed comb, you can remove fleas from your dog’s fur.


Look for Flea Dirt

You may see microscopic black specks on your dog’s skin that look like finely crushed black pepper when you examine the skin. One of the first symptoms of a flea infestation is the presence of flea “dirt” (or excrement).


Keep an Eye on Flea Eggs

Flea eggs might also be a sign that your dog is in need of attention. Flea eggs are little, white ovals that fall from the flea’s body and land on surfaces such as your mattress or carpet.


Use a Light Trap

You can use a “light trap” to find fleas in your home. A little dish of soapy water beside a nightlight is a good place to leave it out at night. Fleas will fall into the container if they see the light.


Check Your Own Skin

When it comes to fleas, people are as much of a target as they are other animals. Depending on the severity and spread of your flea infestation, you may see a cluster of red, itchy bites or a line of itchy bites on your skin as well. Legs and ankles are common locations, although they can also appear in the armpits, waist, and other places.


Dog Flea Prevention

Aside from being extremely difficult to eradicate, fleas can almost always be prevented. Tips for dealing with fleas and keeping them out of your home in the future are as follows.

  • If you think you have fleas, get a vet’s opinion.
  • Remove flea-infested bedding and pillows from your home.
  • Treat and prevent flea infestations, following the veterinarian’s recommendations for medicines and methods.
  • The best way to prevent flea infestations is to constantly use flea control products from your veterinarian.
  • Having hardwood flooring instead of carpet is a better option for keeping your home clean.
  • Determine the source of fleas and take steps to reduce your pet’s exposure to the pests.
  • Keep your lawn tidy and trimmed.
  • Keep your home’s textiles clean by washing them on a regular basis.



Other animals, outdoor, a lingering infestation, or even you can transmit fleas to your dog. Fleas can infest any dog, regardless of their lifestyle. Flea preventatives prescribed by your veterinarian are the best way to ensure that your dog is completely free of fleas.

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